Post Author: Judy Moore

Judy Moore is the Associate Pastor at Riverside Church.
May 15, 2022
Monthly Joint Sunday Gathering | The Armour of God

TITLE: What Are You Wearing? – The Armour of God
BY: Judy Moore
DATE: 15 May 2022
BIBLE PASSAGE: Ephesians (Chapter 6, verses 10-18).  Read online


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Bible Study Questions:

This week there are TWO different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring the Bible within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.


These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):

1) Was there anything that particularly helped you during the talk?

2) Was there anything that you didn’t necessarily agree with, or found difficult to understand in the talk?

3) RESPONSE QUESTION. As a result of the talk, what:

a. Changes do you want to see?

b. Truths do you need to remember?

c. Actions do you need to take?



1) In her talk on Sunday, Judy asked the following question, ‘What are you wearing?’ She asked it in terms of the things we are carrying and ‘put on’ ourselves. How would you answer that question?

2) Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What do you think it does, and doesn’t, mean to be ‘strong in the Lord and in his mighty power’? (v10)

3) Read verse 11, and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. What is the encouragement in these verses about the nature of the battle – and the victory! – that we are in? What difference might this mean for your life?

4) Why is it such good news that the armour available in this battle is from God, not us?

5) What do you think it means to ‘stand your ground’? (v13)

6) On Sunday, Judy reflected on the different aspects of the armour of God that Paul writes about in v14-17. As you carefully think through each of these, what might it look like to put on these this week?:

    • Belt of Truth
    • Breastplate of Righteousness
    • Feet fitted for Good news
    • Shield of faith
    • Helmet of Salvation
    • Sword of the Spirit

7) Take some time to pray. Ask that God would enable you to ‘stand your ground’ and put on the armour of God this week.






Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common, our discovery of God and his amazing love. 

We are on a journey together to ‘help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers’. 

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