BY: Tim Chilvers
DATE: Sunday 21 April 2024
‘BIBLE PASSAGES: Read online
Psalm 130 & 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
How can you be more resilient in life? How can we be better equipped to nurture mental wellness and resilience in our daily lives? In this third part, we will explore ways to build resilience in your life. .
“I desperately needed people living in the real world, in the same world as me… Above all, I needed friends, not fixers.” (Mark Meynell)
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Youth & Kids Resources
Sorry, no youth resouces are available for this series. However, please do check out our Youth Page to see how you can connect and get involved.
Details about all our church activities and resources for anyone aged under 11 can be found on our Kids Page. On this page you can also find the contact details for Sarah Thomson, our Head Of Children’s Ministry.
Each week there are TWO different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring the Bible within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.
These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):
1 | Was there anything that particularly helped you during the talk?
2 | Was there anything that you didn’t necessarily agree with, or found difficult to understand in the talk?
3 | As a result of the talk, what:
3a. Changes do you want to see?
3b. Truths do you need to remember?
3c. Actions do you need to take?
These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:
- What does the word ‘resilience’ mean to you?
- Read Psalm 130. What do you think are the emotions of the psalmist? What does he depend on in his waiting?
- Imagine the situation of being a ‘watchmen’. What might that tell us about the desperation of the Psalmist? Who is the only one that can help? What do you think it means that his ‘whole being’ waits for the Lord?
- In his talk on Sunday, Tim quoted the charity Mind (, ‘The brain is like an engine; if you run it too hot all day, every day without checking the oil and water, it breaks.’ He then described some ways to build physical resilience, including exercise, diet, sleep etc. How does your physical activities impact your own emotional and mental wellbeing?
- 1 Kings 19:3-6 describes Elijah in a state of real turmoil. And yet the solution is really practical – food and rest. Why do you think we so often think of things like food and sleep as being ‘unspiritual’?
- Psalm 130:5 talks about hoping ‘in his word’. Tim applied this to reading the bible, and also to trusting in Christ. What impact might this have on your emotional and mental wellbeing?
- One aspect of cultivating resilience is having good people to support you and for you to serve. Tim quote Mark Meynell, ‘I desperately needed people living in the real world, in the same world as me… Above all, I needed friends, not fixers.’ Who are your watchmen/women (i.e who are the people looking out for you)?
- Psalm 130:6-7 describes how God sees us. How might this impact your resilience?
- Take some time to pray, asking that God would help you cultivate resilience in your own life and also support others.
As you explore these questions, pray for one another to deepen and develop your relationship with Jesus.
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