Post Author: Judy Moore

Judy Moore is the Associate Pastor at Riverside Church.
March 22, 2024
Injustice | Session 3

BY: Judy Moore
DATE: Sunday 24 March 2024

‘BIBLE PASSAGES: Read online
John – Chapter 18, verses 28-40


Being a victim of injustice feels devastating. Not only is not fair, it feels as though there is no way to make it right. We feel vulnerable and as though the ground has been taken from under our feet. We know it wasn’t fair. An no-one else seems to care.

As Jesus approached the cross, he experienced the ultimate humiliation – being completely innocent, and yet treated as scum. And, at the hands of the rulers of his nation and in front of the world. And yet, as he experiences that supreme injustice, it gives a beautiful hope to all who suffer injustice around the world.

 “So Pilate came out to them and asked, “What charges are you bringing against this man?” John 18:29


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  Youth & Kids Resources

Sorry, no youth resouces are available for this series. However, please do check out our Youth Page to see how you can connect and get involved. 

Details about all our church activities and resources for anyone aged under 11 can be found on our Kids Page. On this page you can also find the contact details for Sarah Thomson, our Head Of Children’s Ministry.


Each week there are TWO different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring the Bible within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.

These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):

1 | Was there anything that particularly helped you during the talk?

2 | Was there anything that you didn’t necessarily agree with, or found difficult to understand in the talk?

3 | As a result of the talk, what:

3a. Changes do you want to see?

3b. Truths do you need to remember?

3c. Actions do you need to take?


These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:

John – Chapter 18, verses 28-40

1 | Are there any instances of injustice within Birmingham or the UK that you are particularly impacted by?

2 | Read John 18:28-40. The trial and crucifixion of Jesus is a supreme act of injustice. What roles do different people or groups play in this injustice? What do you think are the motivations behind each of these groups?

3 | In some respects, Pilate is a ‘weak’ leader who seems to be more interested in pleasing people, or taking an easy path, than doing what is right. What role do you think this sort of behaviour has in contributing to acts of injustice? What about in your life?

4 | What do we learn from Jesus’ response to Pilate regarding the nature of his kingdom (v33-40)?

5 | What significance does the discussion about truth (v38-39) hold in a contemporary society where truth can often be thought of as subjective?

6 | How might the events described in this passage prompt you to think about your own beliefs about truth, justice, and the nature of power?

7 | In her talk on Sunday, Judy quoted John Mark Comer, We are so used to death, disease and injustice that we forget that they are intruders in God’s good world.’ What do you make of this quote? In what ways is the kingdom of Jesus truly good news in a world of death, disease and injustice?

8 | Read Romans 3:25-26. In what ways does the injustice of the death of Jesus become the greatest act of justice?

9 | Take some time to pray, asking that God would help you – in light of the cross – to be an agent of justice in a world of injustice.

As you explore these questions pray for one another to deepen and develop your relationship with Jesus.



Coming Soon





Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common, our discovery of God and his amazing love. 

We are on a journey together to ‘help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers’. 

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