
5 January - 19 January 2025

Looking at selected Psalms · In Acts 2, we read, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” This passage, along with others in the Bible, shapes the heart of our Sunday gatherings—built on three key foundations: The Bible, Prayer, and Worship.

Join us as we delve into these essential aspects of church life, culminating in three days of prayer and fasting from 19–21 January.

  • Where do you turn when you’re seeking answers—especially when you want to uncover the truth? What shapes your understanding of yourself, the world around you, and God? The Bible is more than just a source of information; it’s a foundational guide filled with wisdom to help you navigate life and make sense of it all.

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    Study questions

    Read Psalm 119:97-104.

    1. If someone asked you what the foundations of your life are, what would you say?

    2. It sounds a little bit like the writer of this psalm is boasting. Why do you think that might be?

    3. The author of the psalm, probably David, talks about meditating on God’s law. How does meditation compare to other forms of prayer?

    4. The Jewish law is often referred to as something that oppressed people. Why do you think David loved it?

    5. Read Romans 10:4. How might this verse make us feel differently about the law?

    6. Can you give an example of the way the Bible has changed your view of yourself, the world or God?

    7. Apart from the Bible, who/where would you go to get answers for life?

    8. How would you advise a young Christian to start reading the Bible?

      Pray that we might gain a fresh enthusiasm for God’s word this year.

  • Why is it that when most people experience a moment of crisis, we tend to cry out for something greater than ourselves? Is prayer only something for the hard times? What if instead, we view prayer as our foundation for a relationship with God—a two-way conversation, where we get to express our awe, give thanks, say sorry for our mistakes and ask for help in the big and little things of life.

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    Study Questions

    Read Psalm 86.

    1. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

    2. Read verses 1-4 again.

      What reasons does David give as to why God should answer him?

    3. Read verses 5-10 again.

      What reasons does David give as to why God should answer him now. How have the grounds for his request changed?

    4. Read verse 11 again.

      Is David admitting a lack of faith?

      How are our hearts often divided?

    5. Can you think of a time when you needed help, but forgot to pray?

    6. Can you think of something you once begged God for, that in hindsight you are really glad God didn’t give you.

    7. Read Philippians 4:6.

      Which two types of prayer does Paul mention here?

    8. If we knew more of God’s goodness, how might that change how we respond to difficult situations?

    9. Ask God to use you to do a miracle this week. (Important: don’t try to force anything, let God do it!)

  • The world often has us looking inward, focusing on our own desires and struggles. But what if we turned our gaze outward and upward, discovering a greater purpose? What if our true fulfillment is found not in ourselves, but in worshipping a God who is unchanging, unfailing, and perfect in love? Worship is more than just a response—it’s a foundational aspect of our faith, shaping our relationship with God. When we sing in church, are we reminded of this incredible God—and the privilege we have to give Him our praise?

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    Study Questions

    1. What aspect of God’s character are you most amazed by?

    2. What does worship mean to you?

    3. Read Psalm 63.

      In this Psalm, do you think that David is recording how he is actually feeling, or reminding himself of what he believes? (There is no right answer!)

    4. Other than God, what/who are your objects of worship? (e.g. a football team, celebrity, food…)

    5. What do people do to worship?

    6. Read Matthew 16:25.

      How does this verse relate to worship?

    7. In Psalm 57, David instructs his soul to worship in spite of his circumstances. What are the ways in which we can also engage in this discipline?

    8. Read 2 Chronicles 20.

      What do you observe about the power of singing praises in this passage?

    9. Pray that we might see God’s power in new ways through our times of corporate worship here at Riverside.


Not me, but you

