ICY Africa
Jesus called young people to be his disciples before they knew who he was, training them to do what He was doing, before they fully understood, even before they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. There is so much opportunity in Africa where so many are desperate to be given hope. Some we meet are Christian, some of other faiths or none, but all precious to God. Through school and college initiatives, and particularly Boot Camps for intensive training , we find out young people’s concerns then mobilise them for their own mission, training them to train others by building their own teams.
Part of ICY is Africa for SDGs, where the youth use the United Nations Sustainable Goals to develop projects that engage with their local community and that develop their faith, initiative, leadership skills. Covering areas such as social care and development, climate change, entrepreneurship to counter poverty, and education.
We have four basic pillars, through which our vision is developed:
Youth to God: in-depth discipleship
Youth to Youth: trained to lead
Youth to Church: responsibility, engagement, church planting
Youth to Community: learning skills and leading teams
How can you get involved?
We need more praying partners. Our faith is not in our methods but in God’s direction, we face so many challenges we need to hear his voice clearly. We know that ministry to God must precede ministry for God. We send out a prayer letter once a year and we’re starting a WhatsApp group to send out monthly prayer up dates. If you’d like to join in praying just email lindaisgrove@gmail.com
We also need those who would like to partner with us with regular support. This whole ministry is a miracle of God’s provision, sustained by small gifts through many individuals. Thank you so much to Riverside Church, many Riverside family, and other friends who support us. You can give through Stewardship services or contact us directly.
You can pray right now!
There has been a request from a number of leaders from a number of North African countries for training. How to do this safely and when is our big question. In 2016 we felt God encourage us saying He wanted us to be in every African country by 2026! So we trust him for guidance but please pray with us for clarity, wisdom and provision.
For Joe, and James, our leader in West Africa, as they seek to help plan youth boot camps and schools work in a number of new West African countries where links were established in the autumn.
The Kenyan team who travel by car all over Kenya and into neighbouring countries need a second vehicle. Riverside helped massively with the first one for which we are so grateful. We have another car in mind but need the finances of £10,000 or less. We need God’s wisdom if this car is the one.