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Speaker: Judy Moore

Judy Moore is the Associate Pastor at Riverside Church.
May 29, 2022
The Story of US | S5: Singleness In An Age Of Isolation

Teaching Series Introduction:

According to a study from University College London, nearly a quarter of us have experienced a complete breakdown in a significant relationship during the pandemic. Friendships have been stretched; families have been fractured; romances have struggled. Yes, over the last 2 years many of us know that our relationships have taken a serious hit.

This important teaching series is all about those relationships. Rooted in the biblical book of Proverbs, this is a chance to reflect, rebuild and refresh all our relationships in this post-pandemic world.

You may find it helpful to download and take our Relationships Healthcheck alongside this teaching series.

‘The crisis of Covid has distanced us from each other. We see anew how far apart we are. The result must be a new way to bring us together.’
(Jon Yates)


BY: Judy Moore
DATE: Sunday 29 May 2022
Proverbs (Chapter 3, verses 5-6)
1 Corinthians (Chapter 7, verses 25-40)

Sam Allberry, in his book 7 Myths about Singleness, writes that the ’… goodness of singleness is something the whole church needs to know’. In our age of Love Island and First Dates, we tend to forget that many of the heroes in the bible were single (Jesus, Paul). Perhaps we need to spend a bit more time reflecting on the virgin life of Jesus than his virgin birth! How can we build a healthy, honest and compelling picture of what it means to be single in an age of isolation?

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Children’s & Youth Resources:

These resources will be used within the various groups in-person on a Sunday morning. This means that if you are unable to attend one of our Sunday Gatherings, you can still study and follow along with the same material at a time that is best for you. However you study, we encourage you to engage with your group as much as possible. If you would like to know about how you can get connected with our children’s or youth groups please contact us, we would love to hear from you.

Youth Resources

This Weeks Youth Video:

Children’s Resources

This weeks Children’s Video:

Bible Study Questions:

This week there are TWO different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring the Bible within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.


These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):

1) Was there anything that particularly helped you during the talk?

2) Was there anything that you didn’t necessarily agree with, or found difficult to understand in the talk?

3) RESPONSE QUESTION. As a result of the talk, what:

a. Changes do you want to see?

b. Truths do you need to remember?

c. Actions do you need to take?


These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:


1) Everyone is single at some point in their lives. What are the best things about being single?

2) Read Proverbs 3:5-6. What strikes you about these verses?  What does it mean to ‘acknowledge’ or ‘submit’ to God in our relationships, whether we are single or not?

3) In her talk on Sunday, Judy debunked several myths about singleness. What did you make of these myths?

    • MYTH #1 – As soon as you’re satisfied in God alone He will bring someone special into your life
    • MYTH #2 -You’re too picky
    • MYTH #3 – As a single person you can commit yourself wholeheartedly to the Lord’s work
    • MYTH #4 – Before you can marry someone wonderful the Lord has to make you someone wonderful

4) Read 1 Corinthians 7:25-40. In what ways does verse 17 provide the context for what Paul – the author – is saying here? Are you able to summarise what Paul is saying?

5) In her talk on Sunday, Judy quoted the following about Jesus, “He is the most complete and fully human person who ever lived. So His not being married is not incidental. It shows us that none of these things—marriage, romantic fulfillment, sexual experience—is intrinsic to being a full human being. The moment we say otherwise, the moment we claim a life of celibacy to be dehumanizing, we are implying that Jesus himself is only subhuman.”  What do you make of that? How does the ‘relationship status’ of Jesus challenge and encourage us?

6) In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul seems to be saying that regardless of your relationship status, the crucial thing is to give ‘undivided devotion’ to God (v35). If you are single, this presents different opportunities to do this without some of the struggles within Marriage. And yet, if you do want to get married then that is fine too. But, either way, live as though ‘the time was short’ (v29). What does this mean for you right now? What does it look for us as a church to model this to each other and provide a community that doesn’t elevate either marriage or singleness more than we should?

7) Take some time to pray. Ask that God would help you to ‘live as a believer’ (v17) within your current relationships. Pray that we would be a counter-cultural community that shows the world that true life is not found solely in human relationships.

N.B. If you haven’t already done so, you may like to take our Relationships Healthcheck as part of this teaching series, to help you reflect on your relationships.







Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common, our discovery of God and his amazing love. 

We are on a journey together to ‘help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers’. 

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