TEACHING SERIES: Monthly Joint Sunday Gathering
TITLE: Self Sacrifice In An Age Of Entitlement
BY: Tim Chilvers
DATE: 6 March 2022
PASSAGE: Read online
Listen Online: Podcast
Watch Online: Church At Home
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Children’s & Youth Resources:
These resources will be used within the various groups in-person on a Sunday morning. This means that if you are unable to attend one of our Sunday Gatherings, you can still study and follow along with the same material at a time that is best for you. However you study, we encourage you to engage with your group as much as possible. If you would like to know about how you can get connected with our children’s or youth groups please contact us, we would love to hear from you.
Bible Study Questions:
Here are some questions for you to use, whether you are exploring God’s word within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.
These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):
1) Was there anything that particularly impacted or inspired you during the talk?
2) Was there anything that you struggled to agree with, or weren’t sure about, in the talk?
3) How do you think you will try and live differently as a result of the talk?
These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:
The last couple of weeks have been devastating – what have you found most surprising? Should it be a surprise?
Read James 1:16-18. On Sunday, in the talk, we reflected on two things:a. Enjoy the good times as gift, not a ‘right’b. Focus on the giver of those gifts, not the giftWhat is the difference between feeling we deserve a comfortable life, and joyfully embracing the good things that God gives to us?
In v17, James is reflecting on the good gifts that God gives to us. He is almost certainly referring to the salvation we have in Jesus (v18) and the wisdom that God gives to us (v5-8). However, it is true of all good things. How does it change our lives to recognise that God is the source of all good things?
How does it change our perspective at the moment to know that God ‘does not change like the shifting shadows’? (v17) What comfort is there this week?
In light of verse 17, our attention can shift from a grumbling posture of entitlement to a humble posture of gratitude. Why do we find this so difficult?
What difference does v18 give to how we see the generosity of God, and therefore how we see the circumstances we find ourselves in?
On Sunday, as part of our service, we were encouraged to review our Giving – as a way of recognising that all good gifts are ‘from above’ (v17) and joyfully joining in with what God is doing at Riverside. Have you taken time to do so?
Take some time to pray for the situation in Ukraine. Pray for God’s mercy and rescue. Pray also that we would have a healthy posture in our lives towards our circumstances, and the things that God has given to us.
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