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Speaker: Sarah Auger

Sarah is a member of our leadership team and is responsible for all the Groups (Life Groups and Community Groups) at Riverside.
October 10, 2021
Jesus | S4: The Belonging

Teaching Series Introduction:

One man changed history more than any other. Our calendar is based on his life. Our symbols of hope are based on his death… but do we really know who he is?

Session 4: The BELONGING

TITLE: Session 4: The Belonging
BY: Sarah Auger
DATE: 10 Oct 2021

We live in a tribal world, in which we like to pigeonhole people as ‘them’ and ‘us’. What if Jesus offers a belonging that includes those we exclude? What if we viewed people through the lens of 5:31? What if we’re all ‘sick’ and in need of the cure?  What if the insiders are actually the outsiders?!

Jesus came for everyone – especially those people who know they aren’t good enough.

Luke 5:1-11 – The sinner (v8) |  Peter
Luke 5:12-16 – The unclean (v12) | The unnamed leper
Luke 5:17-26 – The carers and cared for | The Paralysed man
Luke 5:27-32 – The traitor (v27) | Levi the Tax Collector
Luke 5:33-6:11 – The rulebreakers (v33 and v2) | Not fasting & sabbath breakers
Luke 6:12-16 – The unlikely choices

These resources will be used within the various groups in-person on a Sunday morning. This means that if you are unable to attend one of our Sunday Gatherings, you can still study and follow along with the same material at a time that is best for you. However you study, we encourage you to engage with your group as much as possible. If you would like to know about how you can get connected with our children’s or youth groups please contact us, we would love to hear from you.


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Study Questions

There are three different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring God’s word within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.


These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):

  1. What did you find helpful in the talk? What particularly connected with you?

  2. Was there anything in the talk that you disagreed with, didn’t quite understand or found a bit difficult?

  3. Out of the talk, is there anything that you want to change or put into practice?


These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:

  1. What does it mean to belong, would you say?

  2. Read Luke 5:17-32. This passage is part of a bigger section (Luke 5:1-6:16) in which the author, Luke, is describing how Jesus gathered a group of disciples. What do you notice about the types of people that who came to Jesus and those who were against him? Which group do you more relate to?

  3. In her talk on Sunday, Sarah Auger said that Jesus came ‘to call the people who don’t belong’. Interestingly, it is the Pharisees – the religious leaders – who think that they are the ones who have got life and faith sorted out (v21, 30). What challenges and encourages you about that?

  4. In v22-26, Jesus is showing that he has both the power and authority to heal and therefore also has the authority to forgive sins. It is the people who know they need Jesus that respond so well to him. Do you think it tends to be the people who think they are ‘good’ or the people who feel they are ‘bad’ who seem most attracted to Jesus? Why do we find grace so attractive and yet so repelling sometimes?

  5. Sarah mentioned in the talk that one of the challenges can be when life seems to be going well, and we therefore don’t feel we have much need for Jesus. What does Levi’s story (v27-32) show us about how Levi responded to Jesus and how others did?

  6. Jesus’ words in v31-32 are so beautiful and yet can be so challenging. What reaction would your friends who aren’t Christians make to these words?

  7. Take some time to pray, asking that you would be able to see yourself and other people in the same way that Jesus sees.


These are questions to help you go a little deeper, by exploring the wider biblical context. 

  1. Hugh McKay, the social researcher, said, ‘If we were only to connect with people we like or who share our interests, that might be comfortable for us, but how healthy is it for the continuing development of the noblest human values, like tolerance, patience, compassion, kindness and respect? The way we respond to people who are unlike us is the best test of our moral integrity.’ Do you agree?

  2. Take a look through Luke 5:1-6:16 (you may like to read it properly later on). Make a list of the different kinds of people that are mentioned, and their different responses to Jesus. What do you notice?

  3. Read Luke 5:17-32. This is a great snapshot of some different reactions to Jesus. In verses 17-26, Jesus is revealing that he has power & authority over sickness which therefore demonstrates that has power to forgive sin. And so, when he spends times socialising with ‘sinners’ (v30) the point is clear – Jesus came for sinners. In light of Romans 5:6-8, what does this show us about how God sees us? What about how you see yourself?

  4. Read Luke 5:31-32, and also John 9:39. In a sense, Jesus turns everything upside down – the people who think they’re ok, aren’t…and vice versa! Why do you think the Christianity is often seen as being for the people who think they’re ‘good’? 

  5. Notice Levi’s response to Jesus in v29. Read Luke 15:1-7. What reaction does Jesus get from the ‘sinners’ and from those who they they are ‘righteous’? What about you?

  6. Compare the reaction of Levi in v27-32 and that of the rich ruler in Luke 18-18-30. What caused the different reactions do you think? What impact might this have on your life?

  7. Take some time to pray, asking that you would be able to see yourself and other people in the same way that Jesus does.

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Coming Soon

‘Jesus gathers disciples not because he needs them, but because they need him.’

(Darrell Bock)

“I expect more failure from you than you expect from yourself.”

(Brennan Manning; as if Jesus speaking)





Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common, our discovery of God and his amazing love. 

We are on a journey together to ‘help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers’. 

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