Teaching series title image

Speaker: Sarah Auger

Sarah is a member of our leadership team and is responsible for all the Groups (Life Groups and Community Groups) at Riverside.
January 30, 2022
And, Breath | S3: You’re Home

Teaching Series Introduction:

“If God was small enough to be comprehended, he would not be big enough to be worshipped.” (Imad Shehadeh)

This is a series all about the Holy Spirit. Who, or what, is the Holy Spirit?

The bible is mainly written in Hebrew (Old Testament) and in Greek (New Testament). Each of these languages has one word (Hebrew – ruach; Greek – pneuma) that is used for three different English words – Spirit, breath and wind. And so, the way the bible describes the Holy Spirit can be both confusing and illuminated by these ideas…the wind that powers the sails, and the breath that gives life. So, what role does the Holy Spirit play in the life of Christians? This series takes a deep dive in who the Holy Spirit is and the difference he makes in our lives. It’s time to breathe again.

“The Lord of hosts is with us. He’s not watching us move through this stream of history, he’s actually navigating it with us through his Holy Spirit.” (Karen A Ellis)

Session 3: You’re Home

TITLE: Session 3: You’re Home
BY: Sarah Auger
DATE: 30 January 2022
PASSAGE: Romans (Chaper 8, verses 5 to 15) Read online

Listen Online: Podcast
Watch Online: Church At Home

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Children’s & Youth Resources:

These resources will be used within the various groups in-person on a Sunday morning. This means that if you are unable to attend one of our Sunday Gatherings, you can still study and follow along with the same material at a time that is best for you. However you study, we encourage you to engage with your group as much as possible. If you would like to know about how you can get connected with our children’s or youth groups please contact us, we would love to hear from you.

Youth Resources

This Weeks Youth Video:

Children’s Resources

This weeks Children’s Video:

Bible Study Questions:

There are three different sets of questions for you to use, whether you are exploring God’s word within your Life Group, in other group settings, or simply using them on your own.


These are simple questions to provoke discussion together out of the talk (ideal if you are watching our Sunday Service online with others in your group):


1) Was there anything that particularly impacted or inspired you during the talk?


2) Was there anything that you struggled to agree with, or weren’t sure about, in the talk?


3) How do you think you will try and live differently as a result of the talk?




These are questions that are based on the talk and the surrounding themes:

    1) What words come to mind when you think of the word ‘family’?


    2) Read Romans 8:5-17. This beautiful passage reminds us of a key role of the Holy Spirit – a change of status. Without the Spirit, we ‘ do not belong to Christ’ (v9). But with the Holy Spirit we ‘are the children of God’ (v14). What do you think it means to be ‘children of God’?


    3) In verses 5-13, the author (Paul) reminds us of the change of status when we became Christians. Formerly we lived for the ‘flesh’ but now we live for the ‘Spirit’. What do you think this means in practice?


    4) In what way are we ‘slaves’ before becoming a Christian? (v15) And, how does the Holy Spirit change this?


    5) Why might living ‘according to the flesh’ result in fear, and living ‘in accordance with the Spirit’ (v5) lead to an awareness of being adopted into his family? What do you think it means to be able to pray ‘Abba Father’ (v15)?


    6) Not only do we experience the freedom of being God’s children, but we also know the reality of being ‘heirs’ with Christ (v17). What do you think that means? Why is this such good news?


    7) Take some time to pray that you would understand what it means to be sons and daughters of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of his father-heart towards you, and give you courage to share this with those around you. You may like to pray using the prayer below.



    These are questions to help you go a little deeper, by exploring the wider biblical context.


    1) What do you think it means that God is our ‘Father’?


    2) Read Romans 8:5-13 and Galatians 5:16-18. An important work of the Holy Spirit is changing our status – moving from living for the ‘flesh’ to living for the Spirit. What do you think it means to live according to the Spirit (v5) rather than for the flesh?


    3) Read Romans 8:14-17 and Ephesians 1:4-6. A second work of the Spirit is to move us from living in ‘fear’ to being ‘adopted’ as children. How does this adoption set us free from fear?


    4) What do you think it means that we are ‘slaves’ before becoming a Christian? (v15) Read John 8:34-36 – how does Jesus set us free?


    5) We perhaps take it for granted that God is our father. Read Deuteronomy 32:3-6 and compare it with verse 15. What does it mean to be able to pray ‘Abba Father’? (v15)


    6) Because of the Holy Spirit , we are also ‘heirs’ with Christ. Read 1 Peter 1:3-5. What does it mean to be heirs with Christ? What difference might it make to you this week?


    7) Take some time to pray that you would understand what it means to be sons and daughters of God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of his father-heart towards you, and give you courage to share this with those around you. You may like to pray using the prayer below.

      Bible Study Resources:

      We pray that you will find these resources useful. We encourage you to discuss what you learn with your group.

      Prayer :

      Father God, we thank you for adopting us

      into your family as dearly-loved children.

      God our Father, even when we were still sinners,

      ungrateful and undeserving,

      you opened your arms of love

      and invited us into relationship with you.

      Thank you, Father God, for adopting us into your family.



      Coming Soon





      Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common, our discovery of God and his amazing love. 

      We are on a journey together to ‘help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers’. 

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