Mission Spotlight
As part of our ‘Riverside Story’ blog post series, this post will focus on a mission that Riverside is helping to facilitate here in Birmingham, the UK and around the world; supporting our vision to bring LIFE to every generation in every community. This month we are catching up with Steve & Mihaela Jones.
From UK to Romania…
I became a Christian in 1995. It was just two years later in 1997 when I joined Riverside. My wife Mihaela and I have been working in Romania (Transylvania) since 2005. We work amongst the marginalised folks of Romania including the gypsies, abused mothers and their children, and elderly people.
Miha delivers various bible-based programs for women and she runs the Sunday School in the gypsy church, where I preach during our frequent visits. I also compose and sing Christian songs at the various venues
Opening doors…
We are delighted that a new door has also opened recently, for us to collaborate with a Christian foundation for people with disabilities. What a blessing it has been over the years to see souls periodically coming to Christ, and to witness the enthusiasm of so many with whom we have had the privilege to interact.
Thank you…
We are indebted to Riverside Church and to all our prayer partners for their ongoing contributions to our outreach, both spiritual and financial. Please pray that we shall continue to see the Lord at work in all that we do.
May God bless you. Your brother and sister in Christ.
Steve and Mihaela